California Virtual Campus (CVC)
Landing Page
California Virtual Campus (CVC) serves online community college students by offering an array of online resources. CVC ExCEL is one of their online tools that gives students the ability to search for online classes at other colleges. This ability is extremely useful because students can take courses they need to complete their degree without having to apply to the other college.
The current CVC website does include information about the CVC ExCEL tool, but the information was somewhat buried in the overall site, making it difficult for students to find all of the most important information. The client wanted a simple landing page that would include the essential information, as well as eye-catching call-to-actions.
My main objective for the landing page was to make the information clear, accessible and easy to scan. The client provided me with the text for the page and no set layout criteria. I began by creating a wireframe of the page in Sketch, separating the content into three sections. For the section including a list of eligibility requirements, I chose to add large icons so that the requirements were clear and easy to scan. I also added large CTA buttons to each section so that students would know exactly where to go for more information on each topic. Once the layout and information was organized, I created custom illustrations and icons to give the page a welcoming and friendly aesthetic. The colors and illustration style are on-brand and similar to the other marketing materials I have created for CVC.
After client approval of the desktop landing page design, I created a mobile (iPhone) layout in Sketch to ensure that the design was responsive and accessible across all devices. I then worked closely with the developer to implement my design and make edits.
This landing page is now promoted on marketing materials and allows students to easily find the courses that they need to graduate.